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I found this wonderful tutorial
البيكسل هو انشاء مربعات صغيره بطريقه معينه لتكون صوره كامله
مثال :
مربعات متصله
النتيجه مع الباترون
باترون المربعات
Pixel Crochet Square Pattern:
Magic Ring, chain 3 and make 2 DC in ring, chain 1, 3 DC, chain 1, 3 DC, chain 1, 3 DC, chain 1 and join to the top of the chain 3, chain 2
Round 2: DC in same stitch as your chain 2, DC in next 2 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the chain corner, DC in the next 3 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the next chain corner, DC in the next 3 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the next chain corner, DC in the next 3 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the last chain corner, chain one and join to the first DC (not to the chain 2!), chain 1
Round 3: SC in first 4 stitches, SC + chain 1 + SC in corner chain, SC in next 5 stitches, SC + chain 1+ SC in corner chain, SC in next 5 stitches, SC + chain 1 + SC in corner chain, SC in next 5 stitches, SC + chain 1 + SC in last chain corner, do not join! Fasten off and follow directions below to make an invisible join!
Magic Ring, chain 3 and make 2 DC in ring, chain 1, 3 DC, chain 1, 3 DC, chain 1, 3 DC, chain 1 and join to the top of the chain 3, chain 2
Round 2: DC in same stitch as your chain 2, DC in next 2 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the chain corner, DC in the next 3 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the next chain corner, DC in the next 3 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the next chain corner, DC in the next 3 stitches, DC + chain 2 + DC in the last chain corner, chain one and join to the first DC (not to the chain 2!), chain 1
Round 3: SC in first 4 stitches, SC + chain 1 + SC in corner chain, SC in next 5 stitches, SC + chain 1+ SC in corner chain, SC in next 5 stitches, SC + chain 1 + SC in corner chain, SC in next 5 stitches, SC + chain 1 + SC in last chain corner, do not join! Fasten off and follow directions below to make an invisible join!
How to make an invisible join:
This is what your piece should look like after you complete the pattern above.
Weave your tapestry needle under the first SC made in round 3 and pull yarn through.
Place tapestry needle through the back loop of your last stitch made in round 3 and pull yarn through.
Now you are ready to weave in your loose ends!
As you can see you have seamlessly created the last crochet stitch in your row.
You should have 7 stitches on each side of your square (not counting the corner chains). It will be important to have a consistent number of stitches on all 4 sides when joining your squares to make your blanket.
باترون مربعات بكسل
كل مربع بالباترون عباره عن مربع واحد كروشية
لتصميم مربع مميز استخدمي دفتر مربعات و الوان خشبيه
او برنامج تصميم البكسل للايفون
Pixel Art Maker
واذا تحبين مربع اكبر والوان اكثر استخدمي هذي المواقع للرسم
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